New GTA V Recovery Service for Xbox 360!
Any account made can also be transferred safely to Xbox One/PlayStation 4/PC!
Please contact “iso.sickle.recov” (click Chat below) on Skype to purchase!
The standard price is $25 for a custom modded account.
When contacting however, please use the following form to select your options:
Money (0-30 Billion):
Rank: (0-8000):
4 Modded outfits (Y/N):
Unlimited Fireworks(Y/N):
All achievements *Xbox Only*(Y/N):
Max Stats (Y/N):
Roosevelt & Liberator (Y/N):
All Heist Vehicles (Y/N):
Unlock All (Paints, rims, awards, heist vehicles, etc) (Y/N):
For more modded vehicles, or more than 4 modded outfits, prices may vary.